Eczema Treatment: How Hemp Balm Relieve Itchy Skin

Hemp oil is popularly known for being closely related to marijuana which both happen to be under the same family of cannabis. With the growing research on medical marijuana, it’s no surprise that hemp oil is being put on the spot for its own amazing health benefits.

Hemp oil has no or very insignificant traces of THC, a psychoactive compound found in marijuana. Researchers discovered that the oil from hemp seed is effective in addressing various skin conditions including eczema.

What is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil is derived from the pressed seed and has high concentrations of omega fatty acids including linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid which contains properties that enhance the skin. Its fatty acid content provides anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe eczema flare-ups and provide relief for various common skin issues.

Hempseed oil is usually referred to as hemp oil and is often unrefined. It has a clear greenish appearance with a slightly nutty flavor. Hemp is different from cannabidiol or more popularly known as CBD which is derived from the cannabis plant.

When applied as a topical balm, it can act as a therapeutic solution for many skin conditions. Hemp has a balanced ratio of 3:1 with omega-6 to omega-3. This ratio matches the needs of the body which makes hemp oil ideal to use unlike the unbalanced ratio found in fish and olive oil. Hence, it’s no surprise that a lot of manufacturers are using hemp oil as a primary ingredient in developing creams, soaps, lotions, shampoos, and other beauty products.

Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties which can benefit individuals suffering from eczema, psoriasis, and other types of inflammatory skin conditions. Nonetheless, check your state for laws on purchasing hemp products first before purchasing as it varies from state to state.

Studies and Research on Hemp Oil and Eczema Treatment

According to the National Eczema Association, hemp oil similar to other cannabis-based products has anti-itching properties which can effectively calm and soothe eczema. Hemp oil has the ability to regulate a specific type of bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus which is found in eczema. This kind of bacteria also causes pimples that aggravate eczema.

Addressing the problem can help control the spread of bacteria to provide relief especially during itchiness and flare-ups. However, researchers find hemp oil challenging to get their studies approved and funded because of the legality of hemp-based products in many states.

Is it Safe to Use?

Hemp oil is generally safe to use whether orally or topically. Research suggests no signs of long-term risk related to regular topical application of hemp oil. Nonetheless, dermatologists always recommend testing a new product and applying it to a small area on your skin first to check for allergic reactions. In some cases, it can cause mild irritation. 

Before starting a new remedy, consider using a small amount first and gradually increase it. Observe how your body reacts to it. The amount you use can depend on how your body’s capability of handling hemp oil. When taken orally, too much heat can deplete its nutrients.

We highly recommend you consult your dermatologist first before trying any new products on your skin. Once you see signs of allergic reactions, stop using it immediately.

How to Use Hemp Oil to Control Eczema

To help manage and control your skin problem more efficiently, make sure you apply the topical solution directly on the affected area. There are different ways on how to use hemp oil. Some are pure while others use hemp and incorporate it into beauty products.

Meanwhile, some prefer to make their own formulas at home. You can use other natural ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut oil, and other essential oils which contain properties that help boost skin health. One of the best topical balms available is the Remedy Skin Revitalizing Hemp Balm available at Vita Activate.

So how do you use hemp oil to manage eczema flare-ups? Apply the hemp oil directly on the problematic area on your skin and leave it for at least two minutes to give your skin time to absorb the nutrients in the product. Afterward, wash the area gently with warm water.

This method can work if you have irritation or dry patches on the skin that you want to relieve immediately. Hemp seed oil helps lessen the dryness in your skin. At the same time, it also strengthens the skin integrity.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from eczema or other serious skin condition, visit your dermatologist and discuss the best hemp-based solution to manage your type of skin. Remember that some ingredients may worsen your eczema flare-ups.

Manage Your Eczema More Efficiently with the Remedy Hemp Balm 

The Remedy Skin Revitalizing Hemp Balm is an organic topical solution offers numerous benefits for the skin. It helps calm and moisturize skin inflammation to minimize outbreaks and relieve itchy skin. This natural balm contains hemp oil as its primary ingredient.

Hemp is infused with gamma-linolenic acid or GLA which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This hemp balm also promotes healthy skin growth as well as cell regeneration. Therefore, the Remedy Hemp Balm acts as an excellent moisturizer and works well with sensitive skin due to its mild and gentle ingredients. It has a light texture and consistency which is suitable for different types of skin and complexion including individuals with oily skin.

The Remedy Hemp Balm helps soothe irritated skin which is often caused by an inflammation in the immune system. The hemp oil relieves the immune response of the body which reduces the inflammation. This helps boost the skin’s ability to heal faster and minimizes the itchiness.

The Benefits of Hemp Oil on the Skin

Hemp oil provides numerous health benefits including promoting skin health.  Studies show that this organic ingredient makes the skin stronger so that it becomes more resistant to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. Its antimicrobial effects inhibit the growth of yeast on the skin. At the same time, it also increases the body’s metabolism, lowers your cholesterol levels, and promotes healthy hair and nails among many others.

Here are some of the ways hemp seed oil can benefit people who are suffering from eczema.

  • Regulates oil production – Hemp seed oil is ideal for most types of skin because it moisturizes the skin without clogging the pores. It also balances oily skin while keeping it hydrated. Since dryness can lead to overproduction of oil, hemp oil can moisturize your skin properly to prevent dryness. Too much oil production can cause acne breakouts.


  • Reduces skin inflammation and itchiness – Hemp oil contains ingredients and properties that act as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. These properties help calm skin inflammation and irritation including acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Nourishing and moisturizing the skin can help relieve itchiness.
  • Controls atopic dermatitis – One important benefit of hemp oil to the skin is that it can be used to manage atopic dermatitis thanks to its fatty acid content. Studies show that hemp oil can effectively reduce signs of atopic dermatitis.

The Takeaway

Hemp oil provides amazing benefits to the skin whether taken orally or topically. This makes this natural ingredient a must-have for people who are suffering from common skin problems including eczema. However, our skin can react differently to various products and ingredients. If you’re using a new product, it sometimes requires experimentation.

If you are planning on using or replacing your eczema topical medication, the Remedy Hemp Balm is an effective way to manage and control your eczema flare-ups and provide relief to itchy skin. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin inside and out. Hemp oil has is found to be effective in addressing eczema as well as other skin conditions. However, do not treat it as a substitute for your prescribed medicines.

Say Goodbye to Itchy Skin with the Remedy Skin Revitalizing Hemp Balm!

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